Install Guide

Phone Filters

We get hundreds of emails a day asking us about filter compatibility and our position on this matter. To clear things up we will provide our official position here:
Parents, bochurim, and yungerleit be warned: A filter is a must for using these 4G phones. A person owning one of these phones without a filter is placing himself/herself in a really really bad situation. For this same reason, we provide kosher apps and not telegram, whatsapp, chrome, youtube, etc. As for which filters work with these apps, and which filter is better or worse, we do not take a position, as things are constantly changing. Please consult with your local TAG, GEDER office, Livigent, etc., to find out what your options are.

Installing Apps

Method 1

  1. Bluetooth the apk file that you downloaded from our site from a different phone on to your kyocera phone
  2. Go to notifications and click on the notification saying the file is recieved. This should trigger an install
  3. Good to go, the app is installed
Credit: @kollelniyes for discovering and sharing this method

Method 2

  1. Transfer the file you downloaded from our website to an SD Card
  2. Go to your phones file manager and navigate to the older containing the file and select it and then select install
  3. Good to go, the app is installed

Method 3 works on all android phones

  1. Enable "USB Debugging" from your phone's developer menu
    • For the LG Exalt 4G
      1. Dial ##7764726220 Followed by 000000 for the service code (For the LG Classic Flip Dial ##228378)
      2. Select Developer Options
      3. Select "USB Debugging" and turn it on
    • For most other phones
      1. Open the "Settings" app and select Software Information
      2. Tap "build number" 7 times and go back to the main settings menu
      3. Now there should be a new option called "Developer options", select it
      4. Scroll to USB Debugging and click on it to enable
  2. install ADB (Android Debug Bridge) on your computer. Please do so by following the guide here for your specific operating system
  3. Plug your phone into your computer. You will receive a prompt on your phone asking you to approve the computers RSA fingerprint; select yes.
  4. Run the follwoing commands using ADB in the terminal (for Mac), or command line (for Windows) and place the apps downloaded from our website in the same folder as the ADB program (only our apps will work)
  5. settings put secure install_non_market_apps 1
    adb install -g nameOfApk.apk
    where nameOfApk.apk is the name of the app trying to add and don't forget "-g" or you'll get permission errors

Launching Apps

4G Flip phones were not built to accomodate additional apps. As such, you may not find your newly installed apps where you’d exect to; in the menu. Below is a list options to rectify this issue:

Uninstalling Apps